Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Como Park Bluebird Trail Update: June 23rd, 2015

Post contributed by Sharon, volunteer bluebird trail monitor:
First five bluebirds hatched in Nesting Round 2

The first five bluebirds from the second round of nesting have hatched. There are eleven bluebird eggs in four other boxes. This week, the female bluebird who always sat on her nest was not there. Inside were only two of the five original eggs laid, and those two were more deeply embedded into the bottom of the nest than is usual. I believe the nest has been abandoned and those two remaining eggs are unviable. I also believe that bluebird pair moved to the box “next door” (that had been used by chickadees and was emptied last week). A new bluebird nest was constructed in that box and there is one blue egg in it. Another box had five bluebird eggs in it last week, four were white and one was more blue. The blue one has been rolled to the top edge of the nest this week.

Two of the four tree swallow boxes today were filled with the chatter of week-old and two-week-old youngsters. A female tree swallow sat on her nest in another box, though the young hatchlings should be about a week old by now. The fourth tree swallow box contained a female and her recently hatched young. Two boxes on the trail are empty.