Post contributed by Sharon, volunteer Bluebird Trail monitor:
Remains of damaged bluebird eggs
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Young cowbird that just fledged |
One or two bluebird youngsters will fledge sometime in the next week. Two nestboxes contain 9 bluebird eggs. Two more nestboxes contain a total of 6 younger-than-two-week-old bluebirds. When I checked on one of those boxes, I was surprised to hear a vigorous fluttering as I unscrewed the screw holding the door closed. Before I knew it, out flew a little bird—not a bluebird—a young cowbird. It landed on the grass in front of the box. Cowbirds fledge in 8-13 days, earlier than bluebirds, at 16-22 days. The little cowbird hopped and flew onto the low branches of a nearby pine.
A nest that last week contained 3 bluebird eggs had only the remains of destroyed eggs—yolk and a few tiny pieces of egg. I removed the nest.
A new grassy bluebird nest was built in the next nearest box, over the remains of the tree swallow nest that had not been incubated.
Tree swallow on nest |
A tree swallow is incubating eggs in another nest. When I opened the box I tried to part the numerous feathers to see any eggs, without any luck. I finally realized the mother bird was inside incubating when I saw her straight dark tail feathers. She did not make a move even with all my probing!
Chickadees will fledge soon from the last chickadee nest.
A male house sparrow sat upon the top of the last hanging nestbox. He’d put just a bit of grassy material and sticks on the bottom of the box, which I cleared out.