Post contributed by Sharon, volunteer bluebird trail monitor:
Chickadee eggs |
Nodding trillium in the Park |
promises to be a cool and rainy week on the trail, so it will be very important
for parent birds to keep their eggs warm. Nesting season is well underway and
there are many eggs this week. Three bluebird nests have a total of at least 13
blue eggs (one female stayed on her nest so I was unable to count her
eggs—there were 4 last week). One chickadee nest has 6 brown-speckled white
eggs, the other may have 1 egg, but with so much fur inside and a blurry photo,
it was difficult to tell. Nine of eleven nest boxes are now up, and only one is
still empty. There are three with nest beginnings inside—one of them includes
feathers and may belong to tree swallows. Two more newly-installed posts await
the attachment of the last two nest boxes.