Post contributed by Sharon, volunteer bluebird trail monitor:
Male bluebird on a sultry morning in
the park |
bluebird trail is still very active. Five boxes are occupied by bluebirds—two
have a total of 9 bluebird eggs in them and three have 12 nestlings (4 each)
both newly hatched and almost ready to fledge. Two boxes have at least 7 tree
swallow nestlings in them. In the past two weeks 6 chickadees and 2 tree
swallows fledged. Four boxes are now empty, including the one that had a
pinecone stuffed into it. The bluebirds who used that box quickly moved to
another one, built a nest, and laid five white eggs.
Newly hatched bluebirds |
Female with her week old tree swallows in the nest |