Post contributed by Sharon, volunteer bluebird trail monitor:
In the
past two weeks, 4 bluebirds and 7 tree swallows fledged. Eight nest boxes are
now empty as the
Damaged bluebird eggs |
nesting season winds down. There are 12 bluebirds in the
remaining three occupied boxes, 8 likely to fledge soon. Vandalism is
unfortunately a recurring problem on the trail—two weeks ago a pinecone put
into a box prevented bluebirds from laying eggs. Those bluebirds moved to
another box, built another nest, and laid 5 eggs, only to have another pinecone
put into their box—this time two eggs were destroyed, the rest could not be
incubated, and the pair gave up for the season. A predator guard in the same
area of the trail was also broken.
The last four bluebirds of the season |